Our services include diagnosis and management of all aspect of kidney disease inclusive of
- Acute Renal Dysfunction
- Chronic Kidney Disease
- Hereditary kidney diseases including cystic kidney disease; urinary abnormalities and others
- Electrolyte abnormalities
- Hyperparathyroidism and bone disease
- Difficult to control hypertension
- Dialysis including HOME BASED therapies
- Kidney transplantation.
We are pride to look after substantially large number of patients on HOME DIALYSIS and RENAL TRANSPLANTATION for last few years.
Current Commitments
Dr. Hemant Kulkarni provides services as Renal Physician at
- Royal Perth Hospital(East Metropolitan Health Services)
- Armadale Hospital and Head of the Dialysis Unit/ Renal Services
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- Wexford Nephrology – (Private rooms at Murdoch, Armadale and Mandurah)
- St John of Health Care – Murdoch
- Mount Hospital, Mounts Bay Rd, Perth
- Peel Health Campus, 110 Lakes Rd, Mandurah (Dialysis Unit Supervision)
Co –Clinical Lead, Renal Health Network, Health Networks Branch, Dept of Health, WA 2012 – June 2020