Comprehensive Quality Care in Kidney Diseases and Hypertension in Western Australia

Education Resources

Specialist Renal Services

Wexford Nephrology is proud to deliver quality services to the patients closer to their homes, for general nephrology, hypertension, dialysis and renal transplantation.

Considering close and established links with tertiary services within state, we are able to facilitate dialysis closer to their homes

Patient Education

In kidney diseases, although medical management has role; the most effective intervention remains Patient Education and its role in reducing the progression of the kidney disease.

Self management remains key, and thus information is added to address lifestyle changes

Thoughts of dialysis or transplantation could be daunting to an individual. We aim to insert more pages to make the journey smoother.

Multiple pages will be added over time to help through the journey.

Inpatient Services

Patients when unwell and unable to be managed in the out-patient settings can be managed as inpatient in public or private settings.

For patients with Private Health Insurance, Dr. Hemant Kulkarni can be consulted (if patient is already an inpatient) or be admitted for care at St John of God Health care – MURDOCH and Mount Hospital.

Dr. Kulkarni also works from Royal Perth Hospital, and services could be made available by a NAMED referral from the Medical Practitioner (GP) to Dr Hemant Kulkarni, via CRS (Central Referral Services).

Home Haemodialysis (HD)

Currently, in Australia, about one in ten people on dialysis are on home hemodialysis.

If you are going to do home HD you will need to learn to manage your own dialysis. The equipment is all provided free to your home. If you think home hemodialysis may be an option you should learn as much about it as you can.

For More information, visit

Make best of your Doctors visit

A basic plan can help you make the most of your appointment whether you are starting with a new doctor or continuing with the doctor you’ve seen for years.

Some tips are:

  • List and Prioritize Your Concerns: Make a list
  • Take INFORMATION with you: Take all medications (list and correct doses) including non-prescription medication; results from other investigations, reports from your specialists etc
  • Consider Bringing a Family Member or Friend if necessary
  • Be Sure You Can See and Hear As Well As Possible
  • Request if an Interpreter is required and is available

For More information, visit