Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Public transport: 
This location is well located for Public Transport and is across the Fiona Stanley Hospital.
Various options are available including:
* Walking distance from MURDOCH train station on Mandurah Line (500 meters – 10 minutes)
Transperth Bus Services stops outside the Wexford Medical Centre entrance
Patient transport vehicle pickup from Murdoch station to Fiona Stanley Hospital
* Private Car: Car Park is available with limited spaces (Costs: Free for the first 30 minutes for drop off and pick up; and then charged).

We accept the full payment at the end of consultation by credit care (Master Card and Visa), EFTPOS, Direct debit, Cash or Cheque.

If there are any difficulties, other options of payment (Gap only payments) could be considered.

Patient claims are lodged directly through our practice software, and thus it saves your trip to Medicare Office. Of course, this is feasible, with correct details as required by Medicare.

In rare circumstances, patients may have to lodge directly, if there are any technical issues with Medicare or otherwise.